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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do you think the Latinx community has so many stigmas around mental health?

I I think it is important to consider the education that many Latinx members have. Many did not finish middle school; let alone earn a college degree. Without the proper education, they have no understanding of the unknown. That is why for many years they have turned to religion seeking answers. Many of our Mexican, Central American, and South American countries are predominate Catholics and have always looked up to God for help. Now, I am not saying this is wrong but many of the help they are seeking can be given by a simple consultation with a psychologist or therapist. I believe with the proper education the stigmas will minimize. 

  • What is a way that I can help?

Conversations. That is a simple seed but can sprout so many flowers. By having tough conversations with your family, friends, or even strangers, you construct a communication bridge about topics that are necessary for the human mind to grow. Sit down and ask questions, communicate feelings, or simply ask them how they are doing. 

  • What do you believe is affecting the Latinx community mentality?

 I believe a lot of the issues at hand like immigration, inflation, violence, poverty, and sometimes religion is affecting the community. Many of these elements are out of our control and that is why  it is important to reach out to professionals. With their help, they can learn how to deal with these elements and not let it get past an unfix-able point. 

  • Are we any closer to erasing some of the stigmas of mental health? 

I believe we are on the right path but we are not done. There are so many conversations to be had and minds to reach. I hope to one day be able to reach all those across the map and help those in need. This is just the beginning. 

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