Unmasking Grief
Unmasking Grief

A Capstone project at SMC by Corie Solesbee focusing on Art Therapy.

Personal Message
My name is Corie Solesbee and I am hosting an Art Therapy mural event for my Capstone project. I hope to bring out as many participants as possible to be involved, and let things go. My goal is to give someone those ways of coping and leading to a positive, healthy alternative. To stay involved and up to date with our progress, please navigate our contact page.
Thank you.
What is Art Therapy?
Art Therapy
Art Therapy is a form of therapy that encourages self-expression through different forms of art, such as, painting, drawing, or modeling. Art Therapy incorporates creative methods of expression through visual art, and these may be abstract or basic forms.
*Every individual is different, therefore every person will express themselves
through art differently*

"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance."